Education Ain’t Poetry


Because it’s about money, politics, agendas
Poetry just lies in the sun half-turning itself when it wants

Education requires schedules, busses, clocks
Poetry measures time in the slow inches of rainwater caught in a bucket

Education screams “Crisis!” “Reform!” “Crisis!”
Poetry whispers purple and blue syllables heard by owls

Education craves data, imbibing and spitting it out in triplicate
Poetry rests under the kitchen table at Grandma’s house noticing dust

Education is about children, the future, the fate of our nation
Poetry is the sound of the last snowflake striking the ground before Spring

Education is concerned with scores, grades, rankings
Poetry hides in a swamp breathing through a single reed

Education enables the young to go on in life, have meaningful lives, contribute to society
Poetry occasionally slides off a bookshelf exclaiming
while the librarian fingers “Shhhhhhhhhh.”